
Creative Expressions



Gazing at a tired sun,

reduced to

a mere dim orange dot

in the western sky, 

preparing itself to call it a day. 

Seemingly in such a hurry

to hit the horizon and 

disappear behind the hills, 

to find rest and rejuvenation 

leaving behind a gray sky…

turning darker,  black ultimately.

Ah, seems so tranquil…peaceful!

Hark! It’s going…going…gone!


(Pics. by Ashok Misra, clicked at Dharamshala, Himanchal Pradesh, India)

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Among the problems which world encounter now a days with global platforms like climate change, poverty,hunger and migrants(recent rohingya community condition put a question on UN efforts who always claim to make this word equal to all),the problem of ISIS brutality over wast swathes of iraq and syria is most intriguing for world.without understanding of middle east history someone can not explain why isis is beyond the aggregate power of US and its allies.the way this caliphate is propagating its ismlamic propaganda under abu bakr al bagdadi made people think about the survival in democracy in modern world.earlier there were many attempts to establish a caliphate by local and regional extremists organisation like al-quaeda  based in afghanishtan and other sectarian controlled countries.why i would not consider efforts of BOKO HARAM controlling a part of nigeria as caliphate because that group flourished under uncontrolled corruption of the country and presence of a unmanagebale natural resource of nigeria.coming back to ISIS strength and applauding the way they have organised their warriors and poses a threat to world community,the way they are slaying journalists and civilian of developed and developing countries.the main reason the extraordinary power of isis which is untamable by joint operation of US and its iranian allies.actully the story goes back to 1979 iranian revolution when they dethroned a pahalvi dynasty monarch from tehran.the first shock goes to its sunni population dominated saudi arab which was ruled by ibn saud and its generation since 1945.all of saudis which believed in hardcore islamic principle gave rise to an new ideology of islam called as wahabbism in saudi arabina people.when islamic revolution dethroned a monarch and people denied rule of aristocratic principles on them.the first warning rang in riyadh which made them consious and prepared themselves for an uprising in their people.so what riyadh started to increase its strength in arab in sectarian manner.he helped saddam hussain in iraq financially for sunni brotherhood.foundation of GCC(gulf countries corporation) in 1981 was also for the same reason.meanshile iran sensed increasing dominace of saudi in middle east,they created a shiia militias based group in lebabnon by name hijbollah and also supported HAMAS group in israel which is against jews caliphate in that region.so this cold war between these two sunni shiia countries was going beneath the world eyes.so when the matter got serious when bush attacked saddam hussain in 2003 ,iran got a chance to expand its presence in iraq and syria.syria mainly sunni dominated which was ruled by a shiia monarch bashar al assad which was a threat to saudi reign.when another ally egypt lost its power in spring revolution of arab in 2011,the insecurity of arab increased.now world is seeing clear sectarian grown rift between iran and saudi arab.they used yaman as a proxy when houthi rebels of sana rebelled against its monarch which was a puppet of saudi arab.the sunni countries with the help of US air bombarded the country to supress the rebels.so when local tribes of syria started their protest for basssad saudi got a chance to increase its sunni dominance.with the help of US it was the biggest exporter of artilleries to rebels which is their main strangth winning allmost 40% of syria and iraq.and now only in north with the help of kurds they have won some terrritory.the local millitry of iraq is not making any difference and to supress isis in iraq ,tehran have come forward to help even sunnis of iraq which do not believe in ideology of ISIS.these reason gave this group enormous power which seems not to restrict in upcoming months untill both country will think beyond their regional intrest and differences.

दिन रात का ये खेला कब तक चलता जाएगा

सांझ की दीवानगी मैं मशगूल,सूरज कब तक ढलता जाएगा

बदलें या ना बदलें दुनिया के दस्तूर

वक़्त का तराजू तो बदलता जाएगा

क्यूँ नहीं खिले गुल उस गुलिस्तान के

गुनेहगार तो भंवरा ही कहलायेगा

दरो दीवार पर उनके अक्स कुछ यूँ मोजूद हैं

दो रोज की बारिश का पानी कैसे उसे मिटाएगा

दिल लग जाया करता था जिस सूरत से अक्सर

उसकी परछाई कोन मुझे दिखलायेगा

घंटो जिन दीवारों से बातें हुआ करती थी

अब इस भीड़ मैं भी दिल कोन बहलायेगा

तू साथ दे या ना दे ऐ हमसफ़र

मेरा कारवा अकेला ही बढता जाएगा

दिन रात का ये खेला कब तक चलता जाएगा………..


After going through my twitter feedback i realized that the box office collection of new movie Bombay velvet is not up to expectations…..Why it happened a movie with full of stars, like ranbeer,anushka,kk menon and many more brilliant actors….raises a question on people who gave their thumbs down to movie.in bollywood there are are very few directors who are desperate to tell indians a different meaning of indian cinema.Cinema plays a vital role in making insight of its people in various field like history,movements ,humanity and its heroes.the time has changed when people used to get their patriotism from books and intentionally written novels.they used to have blind faith in them and just believed what they told by historians.Time has come when indians should understand that real patriotism is in believing the fact they can see or validate.there are lots of movies made on isssues like india pakistan,kashmir ,terrorism etc.Anurag kashyap is a very straight in telling what was the fact in history and briliiantly wrap the whole validated truth in music and screenplay.his sense of understanding indian heroes and patriotism is simply mind blowing.he understand the role of cinema.he plans a movie when he got a very good fact from history and then connect it through current world and shows the real heroic acts of those who sacrificed and lived those moments.he made movie like black friday ,gullal,gangs of wasseypur which redefined new insight of our history and past events.In bombay velvet he choosed mumbai,an island who drastically changed itself in a very short period.bombay pushed the boundary of sea by its desire of expansion.it inherited various leaders legacy and number of tragic past events on its chest from varasova to dadar.bombay nurtered many of indian superstars on its footpath who now rule world by their talent.he chooses a totally unique and powerfull story of an artist callled rosy and her story of survival with her passion.and how she loved a person who transformed her life with his intense love and sacrifice.movie takes you 60 years back mumbai and beautifully present all its historical enigma.the problem with most of indians they think that cinema role is to entertain them and if they find a movie not entertaining they wont go for it.its very tedious for them to spend seeing a brilliant story with that much content they can not handle..i wanted to write many many more thing in appreciation of bombay velvet but then someone can say that i blindly support anurag kashyap and may be a big fan of anushka’s lips but the truth is i want u to understand new role of indian cinema and break the stereotypes for slow movies….so what i will say now is that u must see this movie and experience mumbai history and experience talent of anurag kashyap….

Just give yourself a smile

Creative Expressions

Next time 

as you stand before a mirror, 

just give yourself

a pleasant smile…sweet and cheesy, 

because you may not find a matching one

shortly from others outside.


Your smile to your own self 

would definitely be

a pure one, genuine, beaming

and free from any shades

or meanings,

and would beyond doubt,

make your day.


But be careful not to overdo and 

get into a laughter 

all by yourself. 

Or a wrong signal might go out

if someone happens to overhear. 

Laughters, you know,  

are usually meant to be

shared with others, enjoyed in company,

to the mirth of everyone.


So next time…and every time  

you face a mirror,

don’t forget to say

the widest cheese to yourself 

and set out on a happy, cool note!



Ashok Misra

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O Nepal…our heart goes out to you

Creative Expressions


O Nepal…O Kathmandu!

Our heart goes out to you, 

and a wordless prayer

escapes our frozen lips,

to put balm on your grievous wounds 

sustained by the unimaginable

brunt of the nature’s fury.


The world is too shocked, traumatized!

Your tremours and devastation

have sent up the entire humanity

into deep, debilitating shock 

dumbfounded, all hands raised heavenwards 

in incoherent prayers, 

because the calamity beggars all description.


One moment 

you were a glittering jewel,

the cynosure of all eyes ,

bubbling, overflowing with zest of life 

and the very next,

all hell was let loose. 


One touch…just one touch turned

the glory of the Himalayas into

a Himalaya of rubble, both

of mangled architectural

and human bodies fused together. 

The soul having been

squeezed out

of the mortal body

in most gruesome manner.

Left behind are deafening echoes of

heart rending shrieks and wails 

threatening to haunt…

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nepal earthquake

ये कैसी कुदरत तूने बनाई मेरे पीर
जुदा किये दिल फिर सरहदें दी चीर
दम घुटता होगा तेरा भी ये उजड़ा जहां देखके
लाशें छोड़ गए हैं थोड़ी यहाँ थोड़ी वहां फैंक के
कैसा इंसानियत का इल्म तूने इनको सिखवाया
हैवानियत का जुल्म इनके सर है भरमाया
थम गयी ठंडी हवा वो पुरानी सूख गया वो मीठा नीर
ये कैसी कुदरत तूने बनाई मेरे पीर

जब सहरा ही मुकम्मल था तो सागर की आस क्यूँ लगाई
मिट्टी मैं ही जब मिलाना था तो मंजिले क्यूं बनायी
रुख तेरे नूर का जो पलटा तो देख क़यामते आ गयी
जिनकी किसी को फिक्र ना थी उनको सारे जहां से सलामते आ गई
नज्र कर ऐ खुदा अब अपनी रहम की तासीर
ये कैसी कुदरत तूने बनाई मेरे पीर………..
..मनीश ‪#‎नेपालत्राशदी‬


नभ गगन मैं यूँ चड़ता एक अकेला आदित्य

जीवन की कल्पना इसके बिना एक मिथ्य…..

सकल संसार मैं बांटता किरणों से जीवन रुपी सुधा

सदियों से इसके तेज का एक अंश भी ना रुधा….

नमन तुझे औ सकल मानवता के रखवाले

अपने आँचल मैं तूने जाने कितने युग पाले….

तेरे अम्बर मैं रहने से , है मानव का औचित्य

नभ गगन मैं यूँ चढ़त़ा एक अकेला आदित्य